Mahurangi Heights
9 Kia Kaha Drive – Snells Beach
Watch the short Buyer’s Video below for must know Property details and Price Guide…
Thanks for your interest in Mahurangi Heights at 9 Kia Kaha Drive – Snells Beach
To save you time we have put together answers to the most frequently asked questions and access to all related property files so you can move forward.
See details below then request a call back or Site tour.
Price Guide
The average Land and Build cost typically ranges upwards of 900k
We advise you speak to a builder to determine costs.
See below for answers to the most frequently asked questions

1. What Sections are Available and What do they Cost?
As the development is now almost complete, Lot 61 is the FINAL section remaining and all other sites are now sold.
Click the image to view a map of all the sections.
2. What do I need to know about these sections?
What you need to know:
This particular overland flow path is designed to take into account a 1 in 100 year flood event to channel water away from the neighbouring properties. Council requires these areas to be set aside as apart of some land development.
What does this mean for you:
In summary the land owner may not modify the land form nor construct or erect any improvements, buildings or other structures over the easement area.
See easement details HERE
See further Overland Flow Path and Easement documents HERE

4. When will Titles be released?
Titles are expected to be released approximately April 2022.

6. Other Costs
Infrastructure growth charges are commonly excluded from the section price in subdivisions within the Auckland region.
There is a Watercare connection charge which is approximately $20,000 to factor into your build costs.

7. How do I view the Available Sections?
Do you own a site and require a site visit?
Due to current siteworks, all viewings need be carried out with a Meyer Real Estate Agent due to development Health and Safety guidelines.
Click HERE to book a site tour. Due to COVID safety protocols, visits can only be made on a Sunday when the earthworks crew is not on site.

Simply click the button below and find a time that suits your schedule: